Title: Secret Files & Origins Rating: PG-13 Fandom(s): Supernatural (with just a hint of the DCU) Pairing: Sam/Dean/Jess Wordcount: 2,300 Summary: An Elseworlds tale. Notes/Acknowledgments: Betad by waterofthemoon and tsukinofaerii, written for hunters_retreat at spnthreesome. Warnings: For slight superhero!AU, gore, barely-there incest/het/slash, and a woeful lack of anything pornographic.
This is all thete1's fault. Stupid plot generator.
Title: Is It Worth It? Author: clex_monkie89 Fandom: Sandman (DC/Vertigo) Rating: PG Warnings: War, death, and dialogue-only. Notes: 15 minute fic spawned from boredom.